WARP – The [] one thing to secure and speed up your mobile internet

This is not a VPN. But this will make your mobile internet better.

We’ve already mentioned a new age DNS service to protect your browsing data safe and secure. Now a new, one of its own kind VPN-like service called WARP is launched. The WARP is more like a VPN for a general crowd to protect their mobile internet with a single click. Not only that, It can speed your internet up to twice when you use WARP along with DNS service by Cloudflare.

One App for faster and secure internet for your smartphones. All it takes is, one click.

WARP uses its own routing network to direct your smartphone internet traffic, intelligently avoiding the congestion and other hiccups in the existing internet network. This is possible only because Cloudflare is the company has its own backbones to serve around thousands of website to deliver their data faster and safer. As the Cloudflare’s main business model is CDN (Content Delivery Network) for websites.

WARP+ is a premium service which uses the above private networks, Cloudflare calls it ARGO. WARP+ is cheaper and costs very less for what you get out of it. But, the simple WARP is more than enough for a beginner, though WARP+ is better if I have to recommend one.

The app is so simple with only one button to switch on and off. Install, click to switch on the DNS and WARP. That’s all, you’re good to go.

Download the app at warp.plus for free.

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