- Name of the domain
- Location of the server
- Registrant of the domain
- Address of the registrant
- Registrant’s email id
Reverse DNS or IP Look Up and WHOIS Look Up
In computer networking, reverse DNS look up or reverse DNS resolution (rDNS) is the determination of a domain name that is associated with a given IP address using the Domain Name System (DNS) of the Internet. To simplify DNS is a table kinda thing which stores the domain name corresponds to the IP address of that particular domain name or server IP address in which the website is hosted.
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Whois look up is finding the IP address of the server corresponds to the domain name while reverse DNS lookup is vice verse, that is finding the domain name from the IP address.Doing an IP look Up or WHOIS look up is very simple, there are numerous web service which do this all you have to do is to enter the domain name or IP in the website, in few seconds it gives you all information regarding your query. It provides the information like
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