Take notes in Google ‘Keep’, later use it in Google ‘Docs’ when you create one. Or, pick few content from your Google Doc and take it with your Google Keep. This is possible since the latest integration of Google Keep to Google Docs.
Google Keep – Everywhere, Anytime, Any Device (multi platform) ‘Note taking’ app from Google. Notes from simple text to hand sketches, from links to images can be taken with fantastic organizing features like labels, color coded cards, etc.. Thousands of notes? no problem, Google Keep has a extra performing search potential. Though I use Evernote for most of my note taking, I take numerous trivial notes in Google Keep. Yes, numerous. Thanks to my poor memory 🙂
This integration is cool, if you use Google Docs for your document editing and management like me. Here are some screenshots about the new integration. Get the ‘Keep’ sidebar in Google Docs under menu Tools -> Keep notepad
Launch Keep inside Docs
Type in Google Docs, then take it with you handy in Google Keep. Want to note something on the go? save it as a Google Keep note, later shift your notes to Docs using this.
Docs to KeepKeep to DocsNotes taken from Google Docs has the Link to the Document for easy access