3 Dynamic wallpapers to help reduce phone addiction

Google's Experimental apps for android as the part of digital well-being project.

Smartphones are inevitable. Being the powerful tool of connectivity, it’s also the major cause of our distractions and villain of productivity. All the apps and services play hard enough to attract us and keep us engaged within it for their own gain.

Ironically people who made the very phone, who wants you to use their products now want to help you to use it less. Google as a part of its ‘experimental projects’ for Digital Well-being has developed 3 dynamic wallpapers that will remind you to reduce phone usage.

1. Unlock Clock

This wallpaper counts the number of times you unlock your phone. Pretty straight forward way to tell you how much you addicted to your phone.

2. Screen Stopwatch

This counts the screen time, how long you are actively watching your phone screen. Pretty neat stats to remind you how much you have used your time with your phone.

3. Activity Bubble

This counts both time and number of times you used (or unlocked) your phone. But the wallpaper is more graphically and indirect than the above. The bubble number shows how many times you used the phone and the size of the bubble is directly proportional to the screen time duration.

Setting Up: Just install the apps and change the wallpaper to see them in action.

I personally use ‘Activity bubble’ wallpaper for the past few days. Felt kind of geeky, yet the change in the wallpaper never goes un-noticeable yet non-intrusive as the animation of the bubble adding-up is quite good.

Hmm. I have to agree that, sometimes I feel guilty to see my wallpaper. Quite frankly it has not yet started to help me to reduce the screen time. But it provokes the thought, I should reduce my phone usage with a little bit of soft guilt. I presume that to some of you people it will be a nagger.


  1. Unlock clock
  2. Screen stopwatch
  3. Activity bubble

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